
Never disregard medical advice as a result of the information presented by Time Travelers Bakery, LLC

Information that Time Travelers Bakery, LLC presents on this website or in any other venue has not been evaluated by the FDA, and our products are not intended to prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure any medical condition. We present information on natural leavening to you as a source of education. This information should not be taken as a treatment plan, but should rather point the consumer to further research on the topic, especially if they experience deep medical issues that affect their diet. We endorse the involvement of trained medical professionals, and do not advise people to make any drastic changes to their diet without the approval of a trained professional.

We guarantee that the information on this website is correct only to the best of our knowledge. we gather our information from resources that are scientific in nature, but are nevertheless refuted by some sources. We also gather information from our personal experiences as well as the experiences of others. We do update the information on this site, but we do not guarantee that the information is current or complete.

Customer testimonials, statements, and comments are the opinions and experiences of the individuals that express them and are not a substitute for scientific research and should not be substituted for medical care and do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or forecast of product outcome.

As a convenience to you Time Travelers Bakery, LLC may provide links to websites managed by third parties. The presence of these links does not imply endorsement of or responsibility for the linked site or any of its contents unless explicitly stated.

Time Traveler’s Bakery, LLC and/or it’s proprietors do not assume liability for adverse affects, injury, or illness related to the misuse and/or use of the products presented. We state again that we gather our information from resources that are scientific in nature, but are nevertheless refuted by some sources, some of our information is also gathered from our personal experiences with naturally leavened products. We present this information to you only as a means of education and we do not endorse usage of our products for those dealing with diagnosed allergies or conditions that demand a specified diet without the approval and watch care of a trained professional.

If you have a specific diagnosed allergy please read any labels and/or ingredients lists carefully and do not use ingredients that may trigger a reaction. Discontinue use if a reaction occurs.

Please seek out professional medical advice for questions about how naturally leavened products may interact with a specific health condition.